Andy Kim holds the position of Senior Data Product Manager at Create Music Group (CMG) in Los Angeles, California. His role at CMG, a versatile entity functioning as a label, distributor, and content monetizer, is pivotal in shaping the company’s digital strategy. Andy’s commitment to excellence is evident in his mantra of getting things right on the first attempt, a philosophy that steers his projects towards efficiency and innovation.

Andy Kim Create Music Group Background and Educational Path

Initially, Andy Kim embarked on his tech journey with a solid foundation in international business and marketing management from California State Polytechnic University-Pomona. Consequently, his leadership notably marked his academic career, as he founded and presided over Imports@CPP, an initiative that underscored his early penchant for initiative and management.

Following his university education, Andy furthered his technical expertise at General Assembly, where he earned a certificate in Web Development Immersive. Subsequently, he honed his skills in a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS), and extensively explored JavaScript, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and Semantic UI. His studies covered critical areas such as CRUD & RESTful routing, authentication, encryption, and API integration, equipping him with a robust toolkit for his future roles.

Andy Kim Create Music Group Professional Journey and Achievements

Create Music Group

Since January 2023, Andy has been instrumental in his role at Create Music Group. His work involves leveraging data to enhance decision-making processes and streamline content monetization strategies. By adopting best practices in workflow management and implementing robust data governance models, he has significantly contributed to CMG’s ability to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving music distribution landscape.

Previous Roles

Before his tenure at CMG, Andy served as a Senior Product Manager at Faraday Future, where he implemented scrum ceremonies and managed product enhancements for the company’s web platforms. His tenure at Fisker Inc. as a Product Manager saw him lead major projects such as website overhauls and the launch of a merchandise store, proving his ability to manage and execute large-scale digital projects effectively.

Additionally, Andy Kim’s experience includes roles at New American Funding and the Irvine Company, where he skillfully managed various digital products and strategically optimized digital strategies to boost user engagement and business profitability. Moreover, his agile management approach effectively facilitated timely enhancements and bug fixes, consistently maintaining high performance across digital platforms.

Andy Kim Create Music Group Skills and Endorsements

Furthermore, colleagues from multiple companies, including ShowMax Marketing, highly endorse Andy for his expertise in social media strategies and product management. Indeed, the industry widely acknowledges his capability to lead teams and manage complex digital projects.

Andy Kim Create Music Group Industry Impact and Leadership

Andy Kim’s influence extends beyond the confines of his designated roles. He consistently demonstrates leadership by initiating and driving forward changes that not only benefit his immediate projects but also influence broader industry practices. At Create Music Group, his approach to data-driven decision-making notably sets new standards for how music distribution companies leverage analytics to optimize their operations and maximize revenue streams. Moreover, his initiatives frequently serve as case studies for industry best practices, effectively showcasing how meticulous data management and creative digital strategies can yield substantial business gains.

Strategic Innovation in the Music Industry

Under Andy’s guidance, Create Music Group has embraced innovative solutions that address some of the most pressing challenges in the music industry today, such as rights management and revenue leakage. By implementing cutting-edge technologies and algorithms, Andy has helped CMG to more effectively track, collect, and distribute music royalties. This not only ensures fair compensation for artists and producers but also strengthens the company’s reputation as a transparent and artist-friendly platform.

Mentorship and Team Development

Another significant aspect of Andy’s role at CMG is his dedication to team development and mentorship. Importantly, he believes in fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, which he actively practices by conducting regular training sessions and workshops for his team. Consequently, his leadership style is notably inclusive and supportive, thereby encouraging team members to take initiative and drive their own projects. This not only boosts team morale but also leads to a more innovative and engaged workforce, capable of meeting complex challenges with creative solutions.

Future Outlook and Aspirations

Looking ahead, Andy Kim is ready to lead further advancements in how music is distributed and monetized in a digital age. Moreover, his ongoing projects at Create Music Group ambitiously aim to redefine industry norms, with a particular focus on scalability and sustainability. With him at the helm, CMG is proactively exploring new territories in global markets, aiming to enhance its digital footprint and forge lasting relationships with artists and creators worldwide. Andy’s forward-thinking strategies and relentless pursuit of excellence are not just shaping his career but are also making a lasting impact on the music industry at large.


Andy Kim create music group trajectory through various high-impact roles in digital product management illustrates his commitment to innovation and efficiency. At Create Music Group, he continues to drive forward-thinking strategies that not only enhance content monetization but also solidify CMG’s position as a leader in the music industry’s digital landscape. His blend of technical skill, strategic vision, and practical experience makes him a key asset to the digital and creative realms of music distribution.

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